Over the past 3 years or so I’ve been needing shoulder surgery and have been fighting with two blown shoulders. One of the biggest things that allowed me to continue fighting the past 3 years was coming down to Panama and receiving these stem cell treatments at @stemcellspanama run by world renown stem cell Doctor @nhriordan combined with the genius mind of my strength and conditioning coach Sam Calavitta.
My time off has allowed me to focus on my health and get both my shoulders surgically repaired within 13 weeks of each other for good hopefully. I came down to Panama again this time to help speed up the recovery process and help my shoulders come back stronger than ever! I can’t wait to get back to training and test out my repaired shoulders, but first the rehab process begins.
Be sure and stay tuned to my road to recovery I’ll be sharing with you all here and on my YouTube channel. Thank you all for the continued love and support I can’t wait to get back to doing what I love! 💪👊🙏
For more information visit: www.cellmedicine.com